The Price of Not Choosing KYS

This poem is a reflection on the conscience, the tribe, the observer, and free will.

photo from Pexels by artist Tim Mossholder

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   Joshua Brown

Can I confront those unerasable artifacts

Of the choices I made in service of demons?

Or will I be chained forever beneath the slab

A dark mile-deep ceiling isolating me more?

Fumbling in the dark shadowy cave erected

As an invisible mirror to the world to warn

Drunk but not by any fermentation warm

Rather cajoled about by the communists

Red flag waving atop that altar of sinners

Only pretending to understand the play

While children look on to understand life

And how to survive, alone and together.

#poem #poetry #conscience #guilt #depression #sadness #emotion #regret #responsibility #freewill


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📅 Written October 19, 2023

📍 Written in Aurora, Colorado near the West Toll Gate Creek


Thanks for reading this poem! When you spent a lot of time around and excusing abusers that also influenced and affected people who ended up choosing suicide, good people reflect and accept their own participation in that evil, but the blood drips down during that dark seared conscience state and stains through to forever remind those that participated in evil that some things can never be undone.

I did include a few references to individualism and collectivism, not as a political statement, but as an empirical perspective on how identity and survival mechanisms play out for the ultimate victims of power: children.

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