Not for Lust, But Curiosity


photo from Pexels by artist Suzy Hazelwood

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a poem by Joshua Brown

I flew through the stars

As fast as I could 

Into galaxies beyond reach

Fireballs of pieces

Flung out by hand

Into the abyss

Always falling, falling

Past constellations

They are coming with

Fingers of God

What the fuck are you on

God has nothing to do with this

But still I fly

Terrifingly fast towards

The gaseous planets

In their holy places

What is this remnant

Of star dust here

Cast among the wise men's

Cartographic pleasure

Hello North Star!

I have seen your spouse

Kind and loving yet

Dancing with praise

Lovers you are

And guide you will

By the deep gravity

Protecting you 

Dark matter seeks

Out the flame of 

Absorption razing

The patterns useful

Comets thrash

Towards the calm 

Serenity of Creation

Edens peace offer

But who is this

Astronaut tiny

A flitting insect

With dino juice?

Propel, propel

Not for lust

But curiosity

Power be damned

Exoskeleton of 

Gleaming white

Chirping in

Encrypted flits

What strange animal

Abandons flotsam

Among the quiet gods

Sleeping priests

Wake not the centaur

Wake not the virgin

Wake not the bear

We shall survive.

#poem #poetry #freeverse #space #astralprojection #spacetravel #universe #infinity #humanity


Thanks for reading "Not for Lust, But Curiosity" which I wrote December 19, 2022 in Colorado, United States. You can also read my last poem "Baby Daddy" which is a reflection on a conversation I overheard while riding the city bus about the girl and her relational issues. 

Comment below! I'd love to hear some feedback on these poems. It would mean a lot to hear what you like!


Donate to and also remember to check out the artists page featured above each of my poems. They donate the photos for public use via the Pexels platform and I think they are worthy of a double portion!

Thanks for reading! ❤️
