photo from Pexels by artist Plato Terentev
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a poem by Joshua Brown
A birdy floats above the asphalt
It's feet bloody from the stretch
Unable to feel the heat wicked
Society just a empty parking lot
Caw caw, the bird calls screech
Hop hop, to the fake lawnfare
Torn grasses by the fire blade
Impotent tree covering deadly
Artificial world by artificial men
Disconnected from reality yet
Connected to survival by tribe
Lazy car world choking spouse
Wit and will to survive by gut
Lazy river flowing to the seas
Too many propagandists win
Against the fire of masculine
Ecosystem of one veiled many
Disturbing the angelic poised
Against the lonely robin
A mirrored reality Against Me
Adaption to the asphalt world
The flitting bird looks through
The window back at me thinks
What a sad man to live indoors
He thinks I am a fucking robin
But happy I am to flit so free
And dwell content with family
Robed in ugly garb he sits still
With fake lights illuminating ill
While here I prance till sunset
In a jungle gym built by g'ment
Undulating in the upside down
Vibrations dark and deep pound
Rebirth against the virgins keep
A mockingbird will fall asleep
Waking in a human body tear
Grounded by light, flightmare
How did thus I happen to fly
My pterodactyl ancestor died
Abandoning me to sit and stare
At cellphone screens and chairs
While mighty acts were done by
The choice to consummate sly
Birth of a child.
Holy, wholly.
Stolen by insecurity and infidelity.
Tricks cast by witches against weak.
Be not weak, ye bastard king.
Take from the world what ye will.
Cast your lots with women brave.
Exit the asphalt flightless cave.
#poem #poetry #freeverse #philosophy #modernity #technology #corruption #nature
Thanks for reading "I Am A Bird" which was written in Centennial, Colorado, United States, North America on January 26 of 2023. You should also check out my last poem "Pontius Pilate's Porsche" which imagines Jesus' death as a metaphor for modern vehicle lazy culture.
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