Entertained by Ma


photo from Pexels by artist Abel Garcia

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a poem by Joshua Brown

"Set down the babies pacifier right now!"

And the shout rang out so loud it hurt

My scared muscles twitched in readiness

For the coming danger that loomed near

What tragedy would strike if thus alarmed

My own protective mother was disturbed?

Of course she knew the wild animals free

That could rip our flesh to shreds in heat

I thrust the plastic dismembered nipple 

In reactionary obedience to this her panic

Terrific images of my own genitals bloodied

Cast off from my toddler body into the dark

The woman, gentle succourer, that gave life

Now warned of imminent and wild death

Who am I to question her verity fear shown?

And precious would I lose her obvious care

Calm returned but for a moment of tocks

Instead of a warrior, I saw a girl animal 

Pounce from one childlike play fight lost

To the next, but terrifyingly realistic face.

"Don't throw that pacifier on the ground!"

Suddenly the danger shifted from enemy 

To enemy and thus the parade had begun

My own survival brain entertained by mom.

Now I knew the trick, for mother was not 

But yet she was, and her terror of monsters

Undistinguished from my childhood form

Could be managed with some clever wit

Till thus consumed with manipulative state

I too became a shell of the Monster Game

Disrobed of my curiosity, I bequeathed her

With a sanctimonious title Dragon Queen

An imagineer of beautiful moral cartograph

Sketched in fog of war by their General God

A formless spook affiliated with the CIA

A vampire shadow figure that time travels

I confessed.

#poem #poetry #family #conflict #power #parenting #innocence #terribletwos #discipline


Thanks for reading "Entertained by Ma" it was written on December 21, 2022 on the RTD Bus 153 in Aurora, Colorado in the United States which is in North America. Also check out "Not for Lust, But Curiosity" which is a reflection on astronauting and anarchy. I really think it's a great contemplation of the damaging effects propaganda and modern religion have on the human psyche. 

Make sure to comment down below which of my poems are your favorites! I'd love to hear what you think of my body of work so far. 


Donate to imjoshingyou.com if you've gotten any value out of my work. It would be a great honor to partner with you in the production of more works no matter how you choose to participate!

Thanks so much, y'all are wonderful to be with me in this moment of tocks!
