Canopy Overhead

a photo from Pexels by artist Andy Kuzma
A poem by Joshua Brown

I found a babe in the woods
Swaddled in a blanket warm
Gurgling contentedly gazing
Upwards to the canopy dark
Child, why are you happy in
This meditative loneliness?
Do you not feel the sadness
Of your absent mothers bod?
The child ignored me instead
And I felt his ignorance cold
Empty space I was to him ah
He was happy and I was not
Stupid fool I am to see a life
Pressing forward without me
Wild monsters waiting till 12
To eat this happy child quick
I found a babe in the woods
I asked no questions of him
I clutched his blank' to me
And ran.
Crashing through branches
Dodging clawed briar patch
Under shaded green canopy
His blood curdling screaming
I cared not for his happiness
For it ends when he met me
I terrified him into fear state
Prisoner kidnapped and lone
Stupid fool I am to run a life
For we fell into deep chasm
Both we and perished quick
Broken by the plunge below
I found a babe in the woods
And didn't give a single shit
Fuck the mother and father
Who hate me for being me
One man walks the woods
And cannot save swaddled
Lonely children abandoned
By stupid fucking parents.
Stupid fool I am t' shun life
For that child grew up and
Murders me for my neglect
Murdr'r loves his parents yet
I found a babe in the woods
And looked into empty face
Closely. And found a mirror
Casting a canopied future.
#poem #poetry #selfknowledge #freeverse #introspection #philosophy #innerchild
