photo from Pexels by artist George Desipris
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a poem by Joshua Brown
Collision time on this careening bus proud
A soft murmur in the back by female shroud.
Killing us all with the backpack bomb threat
The city perishes because they owe a debt
Plesiosaur swimming towards our direction
A monster behemoth with massive erection
Ready to rape all the women with seamen
A bus-raping, water-breathing dinosaur demon
Why are you like this and why do you linger
On thoughts of the scaly and unholy finger?
You are the ones who invited them enter
Our world on the coldest day of this winter!
The little girl cried and she shouted I'll kill him
A communal disaster of pure lustful whim
Of family and friends who refuse to relieve
The soul of a child from inability to breathe
Well, good luck to her for unlikely she will
Recognize Choice and the wild battle uphill
She would face if she took all the people around
And measured their worth to Childman crowned
Pray to your God. Pray and do not act.
Ask Him for treasures that you have lacked.
Ask Him to change the people around which
YOU surrounded yourself, stupid dumb bitch.
#poem #poetry #rhyme #selfknowledge #responsibility #family #drama #relationship #divorce
Thanks for reading my poem "Baby Daddy" which was written after overhearing a conversation on the RTD Bus 153 in Aurora, Colorado, United States on December 20, 2022. Keep reading by checking out a poem I wrote AFTER this one, but published first: "Heavens Monsters" which is a reflection on my coworker who recently was mugged and shot here in Colorado.
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